Can’t Seem to Keep Plants Alive? Succulents Are the Answer so Grab This 12 Pack for $22

12 Pack of Fully Rooted Succulents | $22 | Amazon GoldBox
It’s nice having a few plants in your home. They bring a little cheer, life and can brighten a small space. Take 27% off this twelve fully rooted pack and ready to thrive succulents from Plants for Pets.
Succulents are easy to take care of, and with this many, they also make great gifts if you find an adorable decorative pot to transport them in. They make the perfect decoration for windowsills and bookshelves. Each succulent is unique in size, color, and texture and hand-picked. Plants for Pets tries to keep a right mix with Aeonium, Aloe, Crassula, Echeveria, Kalanchoe, and Sedum, to name a few. Don’t worry. You’ll get a detailed care guide in case you think you have the curse of the black thumb. But I have full faith you’ll be able to keep each of these plant babies alive. And if you can’t well, there’s so many here to practice on. But seriously, these are the hardest plants to kill. I believe in you, Earth Mommas, and Plant Daddies.
These ship for free for Prime members.
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